Wild Hog Removal and control of Feral Hogs in Tampa Bay.





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Feral Hog Trapper

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Feral Hog

The Feral Hog or wild pig is common in Tampa Bay area. Often black in color, it can be also be many different colors.

Hogs were introduced into Florida many centuries ago by Spanish explorers. Although they are now a part of our eco-system they are very destructive to native wildlife and also property.

Hogs can destroy a lawn or landscape over night while rooting around for grubs and food. It will look like a back-hoe came through your yard. We specialize in feral hog control and trapping.

Hogs can be very destructive to agricultural interests as well.

Hogs are non-native and destructive and cannot be relocated.


Call today to have your Feral Hog problems resolved!




Feral Hogs — Frequently Asked Questions

What is a feral hog?

Feral hogs are wild animals originated from domestic livestock. The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) considers feral hogs an invasive exotic species.

What kind of damage can a feral hog do?

They negatively impact wetlands and other habitats by "rooting" up the soil searching for food. They prey on native wildlife, compete with native species for food and transmit diseases to other wildlife, livestock and humans.

How did feral hogs get here in the first place?

Hernando de Soto brought the first hogs to the Atlantic Coast of Florida in 1539.

How can hog damage on District lands affect the environment elsewhere?

Severe hog-rooting disturbance along stream banks and river floodplain areas can lead to increased erosion and sediment loading, affecting sites downstream. Other wildlife species using the lands could be affected by disease transmission and competition for food. Additionally, hogs may facilitate the spread of exotic plant species by transporting seeds and/or providing germination sites through rooting.

How many hogs exist on District lands?

The exact number of hogs on any large tract is impractical to determine. Land managers monitor population trends through visual sightings of animals and observing trends in rooting damage.

Why is the District in the “hog-control business”?

Just like invasive exotic plant control, feral hog control is an integral part of public conservation land stewardship in Florida.

Why don’t we get rid of the hogs altogether?

The technology does not currently exist to completely eradicate feral hogs from Florida landscape. The District’s objective is to minimize feral hog damage by controlling their numbers at minimum possible levels.

What happens to the hogs after they are trapped?

The hogs are taken to an onsite slaughter facility and used for human consumption.

Why can’t the hogs be released?

It is contrary to proper exotic species control to release the exotic species back into the landscape.

Isn’t there another way to control populations other than having them sent to slaughter?

Currently, removing the animals from the landscape through hunting or trapping is the only viable method of hog control in Florida.

What do feral hogs eat?

Feral hogs are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. Plant material makes up the bulk of the hog’s diet, with acorn and palmetto mast being a large seasonal component. Animal material in the diet consists of invertebrates and small vertebrates, such as amphibians.

How big does a feral hog get?

A feral hog may exceed 200 pounds, but the average is less than 100 pounds.

How many young are produced in a litter and how many hogs reach sexual maturity?

Litter sizes vary. Some literature states the average litter size is four to six piglets and 55% reach sexual maturity. However, this varies from area to area. Feral hogs become reproductively active at 20 to 51 weeks of age and can produce up to two litters per year. Gestation period is around 116 days.

Are feral hogs dangerous?

Like any other wild animal, hogs can be dangerous if threatened or with young.

Can I get sick or can my pet get sick from contact with a feral hog?

Yes. Hogs can carry a number of diseases transmittable to humans or domestic animals. Primary diseases of concern in Florida are brucellosis and pseudorabies, which are generally spread through direct contact with an infected animal.

Are there any natural predators of feral hogs?

Large hogs have few predators on District lands. Smaller hogs may be preyed upon by bobcats and coyotes. Man is the primary predator of hogs.


Feral Hog Trapping

Feral Hog Trapping

Licensed and insured nuisance wildlife trapper. Let me help you with your Hog problems.


The Trapper Guy is a hog trapping expert.

Florida Feral Hog info




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Trapping services in Tampa Bay for Feral Hogs in Tampa, New Tampa, Tampa Palms, Odessa, Wesley Chapel, Hillsborough   and Pinellas Counties.